13 September 2013

Al-Kisah Semester 8


So... Basically, this is how I'll roll this semester.
Happiest moment, definitely when you have NO class on Friday, which means, EXTRA weekend! ;)

Five subjects this semester, with four final papers. The other one is Final Year Project II. Yep. Nampak macam lengang ja jadual tu kan? NAMPAK ja. You do not judge someone else's stress level based on lopong-lopong dalam jadual kelas mereka. Trust me. :/

Since this coming Monday is Malaysia's Day, so I get extra holiday! Which makes up, four days of weekend! Yay! Tapi... Mak tak bagi balik sebab baru balik sini, makanyaaaaa.... Moh le kite berdating bersama wahai bantal busuk... :'(

Hewwwww... Like I've said before, Monday is one hell day for our group. Integrated Design Project. Masa dalam kelas TUJUH jam ini, we'll have one hour lecture, and the rest of the time, 'engineer time'. Masa kelas ni, kami akan didedahkan dengan cara kerja engineer sebenar, IF we are in consultant's company. Well.. This is our last semester, before we can finally claim ourselves as an ENGINEER (kalau menganggur lepas tamat, jangan ngengada nak mengaku diri engineer), so yeah, this class is verrrrrrrry important!

Bak kata Ir. Dr. Halim,

"Sekarang ni, kamu adalah ENGINEER MADYA. Engineer yang tak berapa nak engineer (sebab belum tamatkan degree), macam Prof Madya tu... Prof yang tak berapa nak prof."

Lulz. Never thought of that! :D

Now I'm gonna use that 'engineer madya' thingy when someone ask "what are you" to me. Kihkihkih.. :P

Final year project, tak payah cakap banyak ah. Mana ada orang yang senang, kan?


The rest of the subjects are, Traffic Impact Assessment. Sheeeeeeeeshh... More field work on assessing traffic and roads! Technology Entrepreneurship. Sheeeeeeeeshhh... Have to produce blueprints on what business we will be working on some more! AS IF I want to be an entrepreneur.... Jual tudung bawal pun belum tentu laku.. And Engineering Project and Resources Management. Sheeeeeeeshh... I hate management loads! Too much reading! -.-'

But you see.... We won't be paying the CHEAPEST tuition fee for no reason. Heh. Kalau dah kahwin, mampus suami aku lari sebab isteri sibuk semedang.  :/

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