29 June 2015

Beautiful Lies vs The Ugly Truth

assalamualaikum~ :)

Truth hurts. Sometimes aku rasa, even your level of curiosity at its highest peak sekalipun, tak akan boleh nak lawan the 'ugly truth' behind it (if any). Trust me. Some might even wish not to ask about it in the first place. Baik tak tahu, dari tahu.

And somehow, the lie people made might actually comforts you. Ada jugak yang sanggup hidup dalam penipuan orang lain, sebab dia rasa, itu yang terbaik untuk dia. Kemampuan dia untuk terima, hanya setakat itu. At least, he/she could live a life the way he/she wanted. Walaupun dalam penipuan. AT LEAST, dia rasa safe dalam 'dunia dia'.

Sebab tu kau boleh jumpa perkataan-perkataan macam 'ugly truth' and 'beautiful lie'.

The Ugly Truth tu, movie.

A Beautiful Lie, is one of my favorite songs by 30 Seconds to Mars.

So today, I learned about something I wished I didn't know. Though the fact that it doesn't really affect me directly, but still, I wished I didn't know.


Aku terpaling teruk dalam menerima 'berita'. For example, after a break up, I'll just cut everything that is related to my ex-boyfriend. I'll even block him, if I needed to! Not that I hate him or whatsoever lah. I just don't want to know anything about him, after the break up.

Did he get himself a new girlfriend? How long did he manage to survive without me? Did he become happier now that I'm gone? Did he turn on the 'flirt' button the moment we broke up? Did he not eat cause he missed me too much?


Tak payah cakap pasal stalk.

#sisbukancrazystalkingexgirlfriend #sumpahweh

I never even 'hey' him for the past two years though I literally go to sleep with his smile, IN MY HEAD, like everyday. Alhamdulillah, lately dah kurang sikit penyakit aku tu. Elok je tidur, nyenyak jeee tak payah serabut pikir pasal deme dah. Lulz.

Okay. Back to the topic. So for the past two years, I've been hiding from the ugly truth. Something yang aku tak nak tengok, KONONNYA tak jadi, but who knows, entah-entah dia dah ada tiga girlfriends dalam tempoh dua tahun tu. But it's okay dudeeeee cause I know nothing! Dude is living her life to the fullest! Yay!


Now that's how you should live. Sama lah jugak if anything happens, and someone refused to tell you about it, just let him/her be. Something happens for a reason. And there's always a reason behind the telling/not-telling. I'm always ready for the worst. Bukan pessimist. Cuma, realistic. Spesies acah optimist ni lah spesies yang suka hidup di belakang beautiful lies. We realistic punya spesies, we don't do that.

Tak salah nak percaya all those beautiful lies you made yourself, just to survive. I survived my break ups with those beautiful lies I made myself too. Cuma, kena lah pikir dan jadi sedikit waras. Hidup dengan beautiful lies itu, bukanlah untuk selama-lamanya ye adik-adik.

Lagipun, some people need to learn the hard way. Maybe by realizing the ugly truths, you guys boleh jadi lebih matang dan move on dengan lebih cepat. Who knows? Lain orang, lain kaedahnya kan?


So nowwwwwww I really need to clear kan kepala iols daripada apa yang iols baru tahu cause I feel really bad about it. I need something to divert my attention now. Urmm.. Like happy places, or maybe nice food. Warm teh tarik sounds really nice to me. Hmm. No. It's already past midnight, you are not that wild Adila, bij please.


Yes, my cat please!

Imma look at you sampai bosan! Sampai lupakan everything yang happens dari iols lahir, sampai sejam yang lepas.


Ahhh... Who needs happy places when we have you baby...

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