25 June 2015

3rd June 2015: Trans Studio Bandung

assalamualaikum~ :)

You know what? I actually went to Bandung last couple of weeks. It was a six days and five nights trip with my buddies. Super fun. I gotta say no more.


Everything was fine and fun, yadayadayada.. Might even take weeks for me to explain on that. Obviously lah kan, the trip SHOULD be fun lah, since we went there with our favorite bunch! Who hates trip liddat?


But I gotta blog what I gotta blog. The best part of the trip. The part where it does not involve the taking-notes-out-from-your-purse-to-have-fun kinda action.


Yessss gaisssss, we went to their theme park for their infamous roller coaster gaisss!! Look what I have behind me!
No. I wasn't trying to show Kimkim there. And yes, no, I wasn't trying to pick his nose either. I was actually referring to the roller coaster behind, which clearly, you can't get the picture, because Sobsob is 'too good' in taking pictures as per requested. Maybe my legs are more important than the roller coaster itself.


Yesss baby! This one! I take good photos, no?


Check this out!

This was the main reason for us to go to Bandung. For its roller coaster. Haha. All those rides provided in the theme park were super fun, but this one I tell you.... Masa awal-awal nak naik je rasa gegar iman. After one ride, we actually crave for more! Hahaha!! It was goooooooood, the ride was so short, it only takes around 40 seconds per ride. Tak sempat nak takut, tau-tau je dah sampai. The only reason I was screaming, sebab semua orang nak jerit. Serius man, bila orang jerit, kau kena jerit jugak. Like kena, KENA. Trust me. It'll be epic fun to scream together! Haha!

Weols naik six times! Both siang and malam punya ride. The last three rides tu, sederet. Orang yang jaga tu, tak nak bagi weols turun, since weols pi naik masa tempat tu dah nak tutup. So, as closure, depa hentam bagi kami layan tiga round terus. Pity Sobsob, yang dah nyawa-nyawa ikan masa nak naik tu. Mabuk. Tak sangka weols tak dibenarkan turun. Kena kunci kat seat, dipaksa layan tiga round sekaligus. Haha. Mak okay je noks. Mak henjoy semua rides!
Sobsob acah enjoy, sebab masa ni dia tak tau lagi nasib dia. Lulz.

Most of the rides, kalau yang jenis gayat tu, terseksa jugak lah jiwa raga deyols. Yang paling kental layan semua ride gayat tu, me (obviously), Bulat, Aenn, Kimkim and Sobsob. We ride semua benda. Termasuk ride yang ala-ala solero shot tu, yang paling Bulat and Kimkim takut tu. Itupun naik empat kali. Tiga yang last tu, sederet gak. Kes akak yang jaga tu, refuse to let us go. Sebab dah final ride. Meraung jantan-jantan tu semua. Hahahaha!! Too cute la these boys. 


This was my favorite ride, among all the rides. Roller coaster pun kalah. Hahahaha!! Sebab benda ni, dia hayun-hayun hang sambil berpusing. Tak pening pun. Cuma berangin. Masa ni, tak ada sapa nak layan aku nak naik untuk kali kedua. Kimkim je nak layan. Walaupun dia ajak naik benda lain, tapi aku refuse sebab benda tu pening. Then I requested this. Haha. So finally, only the two of us went up. With other one couple. Lima minit gak ah, tunggu benda alah ni nak gerak. Kes tak ada orang nak naik. Sheeeshhh..


I enjoyed all the rides. Gambar tak ada, since my phone was with the 'Dunia Anak' punya geng. Keli, Meyna, Spark and Kak Miza were having fun riding spinning teacup, carousel and whatnot, so I left my phone with them. Sebab ride depa semuanya selamat. Of course lah selamat, baby pun selamat kalau naik benda-benda yang depa naik tu. Lols.

The only thing I hate about theme park-- rumah hantu.

Man, I hate ghost house! Pffttt..

Nasiblah rumah hantu deme pakai kereta api. Tak payah jalan. I went in with Kimkim, Sobsob and Meyna. Since cuma boleh empat orang per car. Me and Meyna were literally closing our eyes throughout the ride. The moment kereta tu jalan, aku dengan Meyna terus tidur. Aku siap tarik tali beg Kimkim, sambil pejam mata. Asal deme jerit, lagi kuat teman rentap tali beg deme. I chickened out dudeeee.. Oh, how I hate ghost house dari dulu!

Then I realised, height doesn't scare me. But ghost does. Not literally the ghost la. More like, the element of suspense gittewww..

Maybe I'm a psycho. Naik ride yang macam gila, gelak-gelak. Masuk rumah hantu yang semua orang claimed 'tak takut langsung' tu, takut. Scream park kat Sunway Lagoon tu pun, aku mengelat hari tu. Ehh tengok Insidious dan Posession di panggung, lepas pula.





Ramai jugak yang datang sini kan... :)

AdilaKaman said...

Yeah. Even masa weols pi during weekdays pun, the crowd is there. Ramai!

Unknown said...

tapi tempat ni kecik la.... boring... hahha..

AdilaKaman said...

Cissss!! Kau jumpa blog aku!